Monday, August 23, 2010

How to make money with mobile home lots

It is today possible to not only buy mobile homes to live in, but to invest in mobile home lots and makemoney from it. With the help of these tips, you have a better chance at making money with your investment than ending up at a loss.

There are two types of mobile home lots you can invest in; fancy and simple mobile home lots. Though fancy lots look inviting, don’t invest in them as they don’t make money for you. The better option is the affordable ones as they cater to the people who can’t afford to buy stick build homes.

To them a mobile home is the only form of detached housing they can afford with security 
and a yard for their kids and dog. On the contrary, though some people may buy a fancy mobile home, they usually prefer investing and staying a stick build house which they can afford paying the same monthly rate. They thus vacate and leave you with your mobile home lot.
Understand your economics

Before you even consider investing in 
mobile home parks, you have to first understand its economics in terms of the range of its revenue and expense. Don’t be under the impression that investing in mobile home lots is similar to investing in other real estate like an apartment complex.

Make your investment only after finding out all the information you can about the plot. Find out about the property tax, any water and sewer costs you have to bear and if the plot has a good operating permit

Choose your park wisely

Choose your park wisely as not all of them have a future. Some signs of a winning plot worth investing in are its location, size, road infrastructure, size of lots, utility system, construction and competing apartment rents. Check out and confirm all this information before you make an investment.

Running a mobile home lot is different from running other real estate as it depends both on the personality of the customer and on the responsibilities the park owner has. So basically, to make money investing 
 in mobile home lots, you have to first spend time learning as much as you can about the subject. With the right hard work and professionalism you will be able to make a sizeable amount of money through your mobile home lot.

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